STEP 3 – Parent Questionnaire Bob Swoboda2024-12-18T09:04:08-07:00 If you are human, leave this field blank.PARENT QUESTIONNAIREPlease complete this questionnaire before our first sessionToday's Date *Parent(s) name(s) *Address *Phone Number *EmailChild/Children’s Names & Ages *1. What 2 or 3 aspects of your parenting make you the most proud? *2. What about your parenting would you like to improve? *3. What does your child(ren) do(does) that delights you? *4. What 1 or 2 challenges does(do) your child(ren) have that you’d like to address in our sessions? *5. What aims do you have regarding your family’s physical health? *6. What aims do you have regarding your family’s emotional health? *7. What aims do you have regarding your family’s mental health? *8. What aims do you have regarding your family’s intuitive, spiritual, and/or moral health? *9. What is the best part of a typical day with your child(ren) and why is it the best? *10. What is the most challenging part of a typical day with your child(ren) and why is it challenging? *11. What changes would you like to see in your family’s life? What’s an example of how that would look? *12. What changes would you like to see in your personal life? What’s an example of how that would look? *13. Anything else you’d like to share? *SignatureReset SignatureDate *Submit Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail About the Author: Bob Swoboda